Wednesday, June 27, 2012

God's Story

If you had asked me 3 months ago what my summer was going to look like I probably would have told you that I was going to try and get a job with Colorado Parks and Wildlife for the summer. If you asked me 2 months ago I probably would have said that I was going to continue with my job at Mardel and try and get a 2nd job and work as much as I can this summer. Well neither of those things happened. As most of you know I felt God calling me to be a camp counselor at Eagle Lake Camp this summer. So if you asked me a month a ago I would have said that I was going to do that all summer. Well that's not happening either. As most of you know there is this thing happening up in the mountains. We like to call it a "Wildfire." As of me writing this post to the best of my knowledge the camp has only been minorly burned (a few sheds and 1 cabin) but is pretty much fully intact. Praise Jesus! But the decision has been made that we are going to be canceling camp for the rest of the summer. I know that for the ELC leadership staff it was a hard decision to make but I believe that they made the right decision. 

So it has been 5 weeks since I went up to camp. A week and a half of orientation and training. 3 awesome, amazing, and crazy weeks of camp. And a few days waiting to hear what this fire is going to do next. So what does that mean for me? Well there is still some opportunities to do some mobile day camps with ELC (Please be praying that those opportunities open up) So assuming that we can do those I will be helping out with that plus whatever cleanup we can do at camp.

But what is this doing to me on a spiritual level? I would be lying if i said that I have completely been trusting God this whole time. I feel like this is a season that God is taking me and saying "Follow Me" wherever HE is leading me he just wants me to follow. This is not one of my strong suits. I don't mind following other people but I want to know where we are going. How we are going to get there. The route we are taking. What are our contingency plans in case something doesn't work right. I like to have that kind of stuff under control. I feel a little like Abram when God says "Leave you country, your people and your father's household, and go to the land I will show you." That's all the Abram gets. No road map. Just "Follow Me and I will show you the way" So as I am about to be moving on either to something different with ELC or maybe something completely different, my desire is to be following.

And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt 4:19