Friday, April 23, 2010

Tim Tebow

I first really noticed Tebow a little over 2 and a half year ago. It was after the Florida won a National Championship in 2008. I 1st saw him in a new article on Yahoo. The story was about his eye paint and John 3:16 was written on there. Now according to the story (which though I just spent about 45 min to find, escapes me) he usually had Phil 4:13 on his eye paint. Now this really intrigued me. I was like "This is really cool!! A christian who is a good and popular football player!" After that I began to follow him a lot closer. I found out he not only a good football but a GREAT football player! So last year he announced he would not enter the NFL draft as a Junior but play his Senior season at Florida. Very soon after that the new coach for the Denver Broncos, Josh McDaniels, traded away Jay Cutler to the Bears. I then told a friend of mine, "The Broncos should just play this season with the Quaterbacks they have and next year draft Tim Tebow!"
Yesterday April 22, 2010 with the 25th pick in the 2010 NFL draft the Denver Broncos draft QB Tim Tebow!!!

He is a awesome QB, a great Christian.

oh and if you want to buy me a jersey here is the link: :)

And if you missed the Super Bowl Commercial that Tebow did here that is:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Selfish little me

Oh don't worry, you are too. But that's the point. Everyone is selfish, and if you look at sin, 99.99% of the time it is caused by selfishness.

So I have to solution for not sinning anymore: Don't be selfish. See it's just that easy.
So just always put others desires before your own.

Yeah, that's so easy (Insert massive amount of sarcasm)Most of us would rather be put on the rack before giving up our own desires. (Wait didn't some of us voluntarily do that on Sat morning?) All we want when we get home from work or school is to sit on the couch and watch TV or just chill on the computer. We don't want anyone or anything to take away from OUR time. I am like the King of this, the whole "Well I just had a really hard test so I think you should clean the whole house and make dinner for me" attitude. The "I deserve my selfish time"

I'm so glad Jesus wasn't selfish


So this last weekend I was at a retreat with my college group. God showed me and worked in me in so many ways this weekend. So the next couple of posts will be things that God has and still is teaching me.