Oh don't worry, you are too. But that's the point. Everyone is selfish, and if you look at sin, 99.99% of the time it is caused by selfishness.
So I have to solution for not sinning anymore: Don't be selfish. See it's just that easy.
So just always put others desires before your own.
Yeah, that's so easy (Insert massive amount of sarcasm)Most of us would rather be put on the rack before giving up our own desires. (Wait didn't some of us voluntarily do that on Sat morning?) All we want when we get home from work or school is to sit on the couch and watch TV or just chill on the computer. We don't want anyone or anything to take away from OUR time. I am like the King of this, the whole "Well I just had a really hard test so I think you should clean the whole house and make dinner for me" attitude. The "I deserve my selfish time"
I'm so glad Jesus wasn't selfish
I concur. Awesome post and blog, Trevor!