Its the start of December. The month with probably the biggest holiday on the calendar. People have been planning for this since last year. Presents have been bought. Parties have been planned. Preachers will deviate this entire month from their regular sermon series. (How that for beginning of sentence Alliteration???? =D ok sorry back to it.)
But so many people, even Christians, spend SO much time doing everything else, they miss the "Reason for the Season" (I know I just used an overused cliche but get over it people)
Now of course I realize that everyone (of course im using that term loosely) knows the story of Mary and Joesph going to Bethlehem and Jesus being born. And then shepherd's and Magi come to see him and angels singing him lullabies (Ok so the last one was just a theory...) There will be lots of "Keep the Christ in Christmas" sticker around. Christmas carols telling of the birth of Jesus will be sung. People who never go to church will go on Christmas Eve. Needless to say the amount of "Religious" activity going around will be substantial.
But... (you saw that coming didn't you? What can you say I'm predictable...)
But is that what we're going for? A lot of "Religious" activity? I don't think so. While all that stuff is nice lets look at what Christmas REALLY means.
Jesus. Emmanuel. He came to live with us. But he didn't just show up as a man. No. He took the form of a baby, was born in less than ideal conditions, and there was no important people waiting to congratulate the new parents. Just shepherds, the lowest of low in that time. They were sent by the best Choir this side of heaven (Wait it's prob the best on both sides wouldn't you think?? hmmm)
Jesus' 1st bed? A feed trough (Which by the way prob wasn't nice and cuddly, all clean and like you see in books. Real feed troughs aren't very nice. Trust me)
If any of us were Jesus, I doubt we would choose this way to enter the world. (of course if any of us were Jesus... ah nevermind)
SO where were we? Oh ya. Jesus. =D So just think. Jesus gave up his throne, reigning over heaven and earth to come to this earth as a baby. To grow up into a man. And then to die for us. Take our penalty for OUR sins upon himself so that he could have a relationship with US.
Just think about that. The creator of the universe wanted to you to be with him forever. You. Me.
What did we do to deserve this? Nothing (nothing. no. nein. niche. niete. all that. nuthin)
So before you go to that Christmas party (Ooo maybe they'll have little smokies!! =D) take some time to think about this and to give thanks to Him.
good thoughts there, trev. :) i've been thinking about that since before thanksgivng (i mean *way* before thanksgiving... okay, around september. what can i say? i get in the Christmas spirit quickly :D). i found interesting that even non-Christians get into the 'religious' part of the story of Christmas - a lot people get 'religious' this time of year.
ReplyDeletebut another thing i've noticed was how *sentimental* people get about the whole concept of baby Jesus. i mean, He didn't *stay* a baby. He grew. and what many people fail to realize or forget is the *reason* He came to us in a humble and poor manner. He came to die for mine and your sins. to save us. His coming to earth was only a part (no doubt a miraculous, wonderful, beautiful part) of His plan to save us.
great post. :)
Actually, the idea that Jesus was born in a stable to just the company of his earthly parents is a little more legend then truth. Research and historians now tell us that the saying "no room in the inn" really meant no room in the "upper room" or guest room of a house. There were no Inns as we think of lodging in those days and especially since Joseph and Mary were returning to their hometown they would have naturally stayed with family. However, the family house was packed out and the only space for them was in the part of the house where the animals were brought in to sleep at night (some think like an inner courtyard or something). Considering the Jewish laws of cleanliness Joseph would not have attended the birth, but the women of the household would have been there and I would bet (pure speculation here) that they would have found a way to clean out the trough and put clean hay in. Just a woman thing. I will agree still not the most desirable entrance for the King of Kings, but maybe not as bad as stories have painted it.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is your history lesson for the day. ;)