Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Trust: Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, ect of a person or thing; Confidence (as defined by dictionary.com)

I never really understood the concept of actually trusting in God completely until recently. Do you ever have that issue/problem/request/decision that you are constantly praying about but you don't seen to see an answer? Well for me in the past couple of months it has been the issue of a job. Since the end of last summer I have been looking for part-time work while I attend classes at PPCC. From about Sept to Oct I put in probably over 30 applications at different places. I actually had a couple interviews but nothing seemed to pan out. I was pretty bummed out but in the middle of November I ended up picking up some work with Honey Baked Ham seasonally for Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Something I did in 2009 also) After Thanksgiving the manager mentioned he was going to be hiring a few part-time positions and was wondering if I might be interested. So I was pretty excited because it seemed like my prayer was finally being answered. 
Then after New Years I called them to ask about the positions and the manager informed me that those positions were no longer open due to budget restrictions. 

I was crushed. Coming on the heels of some other stuff that had been going on, I was just devastated. I cried out to God, asking why?? Why me?? 

Shortly after this I was at the MILL and something said there  really rocked my world. I don't remember what was actually said but I got me to just thinking how God had been providing for me. 1st it was through doing a side job for my Dad's business where I was making just about enough to get me by ever month. Then through Honey Baked Ham enough to have some extra over the holidays. And through some snow plowing which has put me a little ahead right now. All in all God has been answering my prayer every day. I just couldn't see it. He did have something better in store for me, He just wanted me to learn about trust.

Trust can be really hard. Take a min and think about that 1 person (God/Jesus excluded) you REALLY trust. If you really have a problem who do go to 1st? How many other people do you really confide in? My guess is that your list is pretty short. A quote I really like: When you die, if you've got five real friends, you've had a great life. ~ Unknown

But trust in God? That can be a whole different adventure! That's something I was really challenged to face. Take something and put it completely in God's control. 

It wasn't easy. I had my nights of "arguing" with God. Trying to explain why "We" should do it my way. But every time I would stop talking long enough for Him to get a word in edgewise, it always came back; "Do you trust Me? Then prove it" 

So I gave my job situation over to Him. Completely. For a good week I didn't do anything about a job. Didn't look, didn't put in any applications. Nothing. Then in the middle of January, Emily was like "Hey Trevor I saw they were hiring over at Mardel." At that point I still was like, "Ok God this is still your deal. Make it really clear that I should apply for this job." And within a week 2 other people mentioned it to me. At that point I was like "ok I'll apply" So I submitted an application online and within 24 hr I was called in for an interview. So I went to the interview and I thought it really well but they said they were going to be interviewing more people so it would prob be 1-2 week before they got back to me. So after I left there I was like "Well God It's up to you now. I'm not going to worry about it. If you want me to get this job then I will get it." 

So today I got a call...... I GOT THE JOB!!! (WOO HOO!!)

But this was a long time in coming. I kinda feel like Isaiah when he says: 
"Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver;I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. Is 48:10 

You know the old saying "Hindsight is 20-20" but looking back on the past half a year I really can see how true that is. God's plans are so perfect they totally boggle our minds. We could never wrap our minds around just how awesome God is. There is just no way to describe how great He is!


  1. This is encouraging! I am also glad to hear that you got the job. When do you start?

  2. Thanks Trevor! God has been teaching me about trust on a variety of levels over the past few months as well and I have been seeing Him work in ways that are far beyond my expectations. We certainly serve an AWESOME God!
